One of the high-traffic areas of every home is the kitchen. You use it every day, so it’s inevitably going to get dirty fast. In Leawood, KS, some people prefer to solve this problem by hiring a house cleaning service, so they can get a spotless kitchen with minimal effort. Others like to take on the challenge of doing it on their own.
When you don’t clean your kitchen for a while, the cooking oil starts to build up on the stove, there are visible water stains on the sink, and the backsplash becomes discolored. And if you catch yourself in that kind of kitchen one day, you might think it’s impossible to restore it back to its immaculate state, but we’re here to prove you wrong. Read on to learn more.
How do you clean a really dirty kitchen?
Attempting to clean the entire kitchen can be overwhelming, so it’s important that you prepare and make a list of all the tasks you’ll do. These 3 tips may come in handy when you clean:
1. Tackle the dishes first
Dirty cups and plates make the visual mess more intense, so washing them is the first thing you should do. Load a dishwasher, clean the sink and get those dishes sparkling. It’s a simple task that doesn’t use a lot of energy but makes a huge difference in the process.
2. Take small breaks between tasks
Cleaning a really dirty kitchen takes a lot of elbow grease, so it’s no wonder people are exhausted after attempting a deep clean. One of the common cleaning mistakes is trying too hard to scrub the oven when all you actually need to do is just soak it in the cleaning product and leave it for a few minutes. Take a break while the degreaser weaves its magic.
3. Divide and conquer
If cleaning your kitchen seems like too much work for one day, then you lack a proper plan. By sectioning the kitchen into two or three areas, you’ll know what to focus on for an hour or two.
For example, dishes and the space around the sink should be area number one. Soak the oven with the oven cleaner before you begin washing the dishes. When you’re done, take a break, hydrate, and move on to the next area, the oven, stove, and the range hood.
After that, take another break, and clean the fridge. Check your cabinets for any expired food and make sure to show some love to its exterior by cleaning it with mild dish soap.
What are 3 tips for keeping the kitchen clean?
Once you achieve a perfectly clean kitchen, the next challenge is to keep it that way for as long as you can. It’s not a difficult thing to do if you do these 3 things:
- Wash your dishes immediately after every meal
- Do a quick wipedown of your counters, stovetop, and sink every evening
- Clean up any spillage as soon as it happens
All of these tasks take less than an hour out of your day and make a huge difference. By incorporating them into your routine, your life will become much easier, because a dirty kitchen will be a thing of the past!
Where in Leawood, KS can I find a professional house cleaning service?
If you’re simply not prepared or don’t want to deal with cleaning the dirty kitchen on your own, don’t worry, Sunflower Maids has a perfect solution for you! The cleaners we work with in Leawood and surrounding areas use cleaning products that are safe for the environment and are at your disposal for any type of house cleaning job. Visit the Town Center Plaza and leave your dirty kitchen to us! Contact us today!