How to Eliminate Dust in Your Home: Professional Tips & Tricks

Dust can be incredibly persistent and equally frustrating as it appears out of thin air (literally!) so soon after you’ve spent the entire day dusting and wiping everything from walls to floors. As any reliable maid service in Prairie Village, KS will tell you, when dealing with dust you have to be well equipped and consistent.

By overlooking certain areas, furniture, or figurines you’ll be doing yourself a great disservice, as they’ll become even more of a cleaning nightmare if left unattended for longer periods of time. With that in mind, unless you want to test how messy your home can get, we suggest you pick up your microfiber cloth, pull up your sleeves, delegate chores and dive in.

Remember: good cleaning prep makes a tremendous difference. You can start by asking:

Why does my house get so dusty so fast?

How do you clean dusty areas

What is dust and will it ever stop coming? Dust is essentially a mix of shed human skin, pet dander, pollen, cloth fibers, insect waste, dirt and other similar particles originating from inside or outside of your home.

Sure, it’s pretty annoying how quickly it gathers on surfaces, and it’s generally not nice to look at, but the main issue with dust is that it may trigger various health conditions including asthma and allergies. That’s why minimizing dust levels in your home should be on your list of priorities when it comes to chores.

Major factors that affect dust levels

Depending on your location and other factors, your house may get more or less dust on a daily basis. Usually people who live in dustier areas such as a large city’s downtown, near a construction site, a factory or a desert, tend to get more dust coming in from the outside.

Similarly, the number of people (and pets) living in one household will determine dust levels generated on the inside — the more, the merrier, or in this case: the more, the dustier!

Besides place of residence and number of residents, defective air ducts can also be the cause of high dust levels in your home. Sometimes faulty air ducts grab dust from different rooms (such as basements or attics) and spread it to other house areas. If your house gets plenty dusty too fast, it may be time to schedule an air duct checkup.

How do you clean dusty areas?

To maintain a dust-free home, vacuuming and wiping dust regularly is a must. That being said, you could make each cleaning session quicker and your life much easier, if you tackle the issue on the prevention side as well.

Experts agree — here’s how you can prevent dust from appearing in your home:

  1. Invest in a quality air purifier
  2. Make sure you’re using a vacuum cleaner that has HEPA filter
  3. Use air filters with higher MERV rating
  4. Remember to ventilate your pillows, blankets, and plushies
  5. Include walls and ceiling fixtures in your regular dusting rounds
  6. Place doormats at every entrance

The #1 maid service in Prairie Village, KS turns dust into a distant memory

Wouldn’t it be grand if you could have your cake and eat it too? With holidays fast approaching, why not take a much deserved break to spend a relaxing day with family at Meadowbrook Park? Or anywhere else you’d rather be instead of remaining stuck with cleaning supplies and chores all day.

One call to Sunflower Maids and you won’t have to worry about dust ever again. Make a wish and professional cleaners will make dust disappear faster than you can say ‘cake’.

Have your sparkling clean home, and enjoy the great outdoors. Book today!

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