Clean Your Appliances Like a Professional: Useful Tips and Tricks

There’s no doubt that household appliances make our lives better: they keep food fresh and healthy, help us prepare and process it, wash our dishes and clothes, offer a perfect dose of caffeine each morning, and so much more. We love to use them, but do we really have to clean them?

Well, you don’t have to clean them yourself — you can always hire experts in residential house cleaning services in Kansas City to do it for you. To get rid of the nasty bacteria, mold and yeast that’s bound to inhabit the handles, buttons or panels of your favorite kitchen appliances, they need to be cleaned regularly and meticulously, just the same as you would clean your kitchen counters.

What to use to clean appliances?

Most appliances can be cleaned with basic cleaning products you can find in every household, such as soapy water, or equal parts water and vinegar solution. Nevertheless, it’s a fine idea to check the manufacturer’s instructions before you start cleaning, so you wouldn’t accidentally damage the appliance surface or functionality.

You can clean your stainless steel appliances with the help of a commercial cleaner designed for that specific purpose, or use a good old homemade mix: a microfiber cloth dipped into warm water containing a couple of drops of dish liquid will usually be quite effective. 

How do you deep clean appliances?

Deep cleaning your appliances from time to time is necessary not only to ensure food safety, but also to allow the appliances to function properly. Here are a couple of tips and tricks that should help you keep your appliances in top condition:

  • Baking soda is often used in cleaning to eliminate unpleasant smells, and to pull out stains. When your regular cleaning routine fails to provide results, enter a champion among home cleaners: baking soda. Due to its mildly abrasive properties, combined with a soft, damp cloth, baking soda will work wonders on a deep set, stubborn dirt and grime. 
  • Vinegar is another great solution for stains, as it works well on various surfaces, including stainless steel. You can spray vinegar as a finishing touch after treating the inside of your oven with baking soda paste, to clear out any soda residue, before carefully wiping and drying the inside with a clean cloth.
  • Don’t forget to vacuum underneath and behind your big appliances when deep cleaning them. Leave the outside surface cleaning for last.

How do you clean small kitchen appliances?

To clean some of your favorite small kitchen appliances you’ll need to:

  • Equip yourself with dishwashing liquid, cotton swabs, toothpicks, baking soda, and vinegar
  • Make sure to unplug your appliance before you start cleaning
  • Follow the manufacturer’s cleaning recommendation

That said, most of the small kitchen appliances can typically be cleaned using a hot water and soap combination, or with the help of diluted white vinegar. Use toothpicks and cotton swabs to get to those hard to reach areas — get everything out.

You can clean your coffee maker, blender, food processor, standing mixer, and other small appliances this way. Wiping them clean after each use will help their longevity and make future cleaning easier.

Exceptional residential house cleaning services in Kansas City

How do you deep clean appliancesIn modern day and age we get to enjoy the many benefits that different kitchen appliances have to offer. They are convenient as they make food processing and preparation run smoothly. 

Are you one of those people who love using their appliances, but they’re not as enthusiastic when it comes to cleaning them? Feel free to give Sunflower Maids a call, and we’ll send top-of-the-line professional cleaners your way.

Why stay penned up at home on a lovely day in April, when you could be riding a bike, playing with your kids, or simply soaking up the sun at the Wyandotte County Lake & Park instead? 

Leave cleaning to experts and reclaim your freedom. Book today!

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