Say Goodbye to Germs: Professional Tips and Tricks for a Spotless Kitchen

The kitchen tends to get dirty pretty fast, especially if you prepare food every day. Naturally, where there is food, there will be bacteria, so you’ll want to keep your kitchen countertops well sanitized, and deep clean your kitchen appliances regularly. Prepare yourself for an impromptu cleaning action by stocking up on must-have cleaning supplies, and germs won’t stand a chance.

If you like to cook, but hate to clean (or you simply have better things to do), consider hiring local house cleaning services in Kansas City. They’ll do a fantastic job of maintaining a healthy, germ-free living environment in any household.

If your kitchen is practically screaming for attention, but you’re not quite sure where to start, read on. We’ll share some insightful tips and tricks to help you get rid of bacteria in your kitchen once and for all.

Which 3 areas in the kitchen have the most bacteria?

Which 3 areas in the kitchen have the most bacteriaHere are the top 3 germiest places in any kitchen:

  1. Kitchen sink — hand in hand with garbage disposal, your kitchen sink is likely the germiest place in your entire house. Studies have shown that it often hosts more bacteria than you’ll find in the toilet. E. coli is but one out of many bacteria that love to live here, due to the wet environment and plenty of residue food to feed on.
  2. Kitchen countertops — sure, cutting raw meat and preparing food in general will get bacteria onto your countertops. But did you know that leaving grocery bags, your purse, or backpack on here is another major source of microbes? What’s funny is that simply wiping the surface clean with a sponge or cloth will (ironically) help spread that bacteria around. That’s why disinfecting is essential when it comes to keeping your kitchen surfaces germs-free.
  3. Water dispenser on the refrigerator — moist surroundings suit microbes exceptionally well, allowing them to grow and thrive, while new germs are introduced every time you touch your water dispenser.

How do I get rid of bacteria in my kitchen?

As we previously explained, simply wiping the bacteria affected surfaces won’t do the trick — on the contrary, this will in fact help spread germs all over the place. To get rid of those nasty little buggers, you’ll need to clean and disinfect the surfaces properly. Make sure to clean and dry them first, before you proceed to disinfect the area.

Here’s how to disinfect the three germiest areas in your kitchen:

Disinfecting your sink and garbage disposal

You can use bleach or white vinegar to disinfect your sink and drain. If you choose chlorine-based bleach, never mix it with dish detergent (or any other chemical for that matter), as this could lead to toxic gas poisoning. We’d also recommend staying away from bleach if your sink is made of stainless steel — to avoid damage to the steel.

White vinegar is a good natural alternative to bleach, as it kills bacteria without the risks that most chemical cleaners carry with them.

Disinfecting countertops

Choose a disinfectant for your countertops wisely — the goal is to kill germs, not to damage your kitchen surfaces. Going for a gentler (while efficient) product is a good idea, as countertops come into direct contact with food.

Disinfecting water dispenser

Water dispenser on the fridge can also be sanitized with the help of the almighty white vinegar. Use it to clean the water tube, as well as the water spout.

Brilliant local house cleaning services in Kansas City help your kitchen shine

How do I get rid of bacteria in my kitchenWhy should you spend your day buried in germs, disinfectants, and rags, when you could be outside sunbathing? You don’t have to waste your time on housework anymore: Sunflower Maids is at your service.

There’s nothing quite like catching up on your reading while you enjoy the peace and quiet of Anita B. Gorman Park to recharge your energy and get that precious vitamin D from the sun. Take your kids out for a picnic while professional cleaners do what they do best. We promise you won’t regret it.

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